Raw, unprocessed, non-GMO cow's milk of good, standard merchantable quality, standardized as follows:
Annual delivery of 1,000,000 kg
The weighted average of the calculated and standardized milk price of the participating dairy processors in the DCA Farmgate Milk Price Calculator. These are buyers and processors of farmgate milk. The DCA Base Milk Price Index NL is the weighted average of the base milk prices per month from the Farmgate Milk Price Calculator. The Base Milk Price is the price processors pay to affiliated dairy farmers, excluding bonuses and premiums.
Euros per 100 kilograms
The DCA Base Milk Price Index NL is compiled from the results of the DCA Farmgate Milk Price Calculator. In this Calculator, the milk prices paid by processors to affiliated dairy farmers are standardized to ensure they are comparable.
The price reporters of DCA Market Intelligence receive the farmgate milk prices monthly from participating processors or through other parties in the supply chain, such as primary producers (dairy farmers). DCA Market Intelligence maintains regular contact with all participants to verify inputs and align specifications.
The DCA Base Milk Price Index NL is a weighted average of the base milk prices per month from the DCA Farmgate Milk Price Calculator. This Calculator is published on the Dairy Platform (DCA MI) and Boerenbusiness.nl. In the Farmgate Milk Price Calculator, DCA Market Intelligence standardizes and calculates the milk prices that eight Dutch dairy processors pay monthly to their affiliated dairy farmers. This is done using a transparent method, with fat and protein prices of the milk as the basis.
The DCA Base Milk Price Index NL is the result of the average milk price from the calculator, weighted according to milk production. Processors handling more Dutch milk have a greater influence on the index. The price reporters of DCA Market Intelligence, after consulting market participants, have made the following estimates of the share of participating processors in Dutch milk production:
The DCA Base Milk Price Index NL for a new month is calculated and published by DCA Market Intelligence once more than 75% of the represented milk production has announced a milk price. The Base Milk Price Index remains 'provisional' until all milk prices from processors are known and incorporated into the calculation. The DCA Base Milk Price Index NL for that month then becomes final.
This index is rounded to one euro cent per 100 kilograms of milk. The volume ratio is an indication by DCA Market Intelligence; participants do not provide volume figures themselves. A brief explanation of the latest month's developments in the Base Milk Price Index NL is published on the product page of the index on the Dairy Platform of DCA Market Intelligence.
If the described procedure cannot be applied for any reason, the management of DCA Market Intelligence will decide how the Base Milk Price Index NL will be determined or whether to refrain from calculating an index for that month. This decision will then be published with an explanation.
Version: March 2025