SELECT * FROM benchmark_prices pq JOIN benchmarks p ON pq.groep_id = WHERE = '48' AND p.groep = 'pigs'

Specifications DCA Benchmark Price - Pigs

DCA Market Intelligence publishes a weekly benchmark price for Pigs. The specifications of this benchmark price are described below.

Product description


A standard living fattening pig, accounting for a tare of 2 kilograms of average quality, which complies with the requirements and descriptions outlined in Chapter 2 of the Dutch 'Animal Welfare Act,' ('De Wet Dieren') effective as of July 1, 2014.


At least 1 standard pig


The price the trader has paid or is willing to pay on the day of input. Free at Dutch slaughterhouse, including transport costs averaging €2.50 and slaughterhouse costs averaging €2.00, excluding surcharges and discounts, and excluding VAT.


Delivery in the following week from Sunday 00:00 CET to Saturday 23:59 CET.


Free Dutch export location


Price in euros per kilogram of live weight

How price input is collected

Price input is collected throughout the week until Friday 19:00 CET. Contributors who are members of Vee & Logistiek Nederland can provide input. Contributors log into the Price Reporting System of DCA Market Intelligence, enter their price, and optionally provide comments. On Friday at 14:00 CET, a reminder will be sent to those contributors who have not yet entered a price. A group of insiders is contacted by a DCA price reporter and asked for an indication of the market.

Input analysis, processing, and publication

The Price Reporting System calculates an average price from the price input of the contributors using the following method:

Firstly, 10% of the input prices at the top and bottom of the price range are eliminated. Then, an average price is determined based on the remaining 80% of prices. Prices that deviate less than €0.02 from the calculated average, among those previously eliminated, are reintroduced into the price range. Notably, the Price of Insiders is weighted double. The resulting average represents the contributors' price for that week, rounded to the nearest whole Eurocent. No volume weighting occurs, and contributors do not provide volumes. The price range (highest and lowest price) is determined after the elimination process described above. Subsequently, the calculated average and its deviation from previous weeks are compared with comments from the group of Insiders.

The DCA price reporter typically follows the contributors' price for the week but may deviate if the average indication and accompanying comments warrant it. Nevertheless, the final price must always fall within the contributors' price range for that week. The final DCA Benchmark Price (de 'Beursprijs 2.0') is announced on Friday at 20:00 CET via SMS and published on the website of This online platform is also part of DCA Market Intelligence. This publication includes a brief explanation, the contributor price range for that week, and the corresponding number of observations considered (after eliminating prices that deviate excessively from the average).

If, for any reason, the described procedure cannot be applied, the management of DCA Market Intelligence decides how to determine the final benchmark price for that week or may choose not to calculate a benchmark price, providing an explanation.

Version: February 2024
