SELECT * FROM benchmark_prices pq JOIN benchmarks p ON pq.groep_id = WHERE = '62' AND p.groep = 'powders'

Specifications DCA Benchmark Price - Lactose

DCA Market Intelligence publishes a weekly benchmark price for Lactose. The specifications of this benchmark price are described below.

Product description


Lactose powder, food grade, of good standard merchantable quality made by the spray process directly and exclusively from cows’ milk. 25 kg. multilayer paper bag with PE-lining. Compliant with EU legislation

Fat0.3% maximum
0.3% maximum
5% maximum
Carbohydrates99% approximately
Scorched ParticlesDisc A
Shelf life
Minimum of 12 months after production
OriginWestern Europe (i.e. Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxemburg,
France, Germany, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland)


Minimum of one full truckload


The average volume-weighted price, excluding commission and VAT, of transactions completed within that week starting from Monday, for the product specified in this document.


Picked up within a month


Ex. Works


Euro's per metric ton (1.000 kilogram)

How price input is collected

Price input is collected until 15:00 CET on Thursday. The price reporters of DCA Market Intelligence approach contributors who are active in the market, as specified in this document. Price and possible contributor comments are entered into the Price Reporting System of DCA Market Intelligence.

Input analysis, processing, and publication

The Price Reporting System calculates the average price of all contributors based on their price input. This is calculated using the following method:

For each contributor, an average price is computed based on their low and high prices-input. These average prices per contributor are then averaged to determine the overall average price of the panel. Prices from individual contributors that deviate more than 5% from the average price are excluded, and a new average price is then calculated, which becomes the benchmark price for that week. Volume is not weighted, and contributors do not provide volume information.

The benchmark price is rounded to the nearest 5 euros and published on Thursday at 15:30 CET. It is accompanied by a brief explanation, the range of the benchmark price for that week, and the number of observations used in its calculation.

If this procedure cannot be followed for any reason, DCA Market Intelligence management determines how the final benchmark price for the week should be established or may decide not to calculate a benchmark price at all, providing an explanation for the decision.

Version: February 2024
